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Compassionate Leadership

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Discover the relationship between compassion, culture and business results and be introduced to compassion at the individual, team and system level. Course overview: This course will explore the term compassion and the qualities of compassionate leadership. Delegates will discover the relationship between compassion, culture and business results and be introduced to compassion at the individual, team and system level. ​ Learning Outcomes: Understand and describe what compassionate leadership is and what it is characterised by Understand and describe the benefits of compassionate leadership for the individual, team and organisation Understand and describe how a more relational compassionate style of leadership can be developed and sustained Identify their own areas of strength and development, supported by a personal action plan. Who is this course for? Existing and aspiring managers and leaders. Those responsible for the recruitment, training and development of managers and leaders. Anyone who is interested in leadership, engagement, inclusion & organisational culture.




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